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Cadee's Creative Page





Why do I create the art I make? Well first I create art because it makes me happy and I find joy in what I get to do. Second to bring attention to the audience a bigger problem that may be going on that they don’t know about. Being able to do that through art and have somewhat of a voice makes me feel great that I get to be able to voice my opinion. Third reason is for people and bring joy to them through what I create. Now this could be any number of things either they ask or I just give them a moment that was a life changing moment for them. Lastly so I can hopefully travel and see things that I would never have seen and creating a story through my art to show others.

My art reflects who I am and how simple or complex I can be. How I see that my art reflects me is a young woman who has a lot to say but can’t put it into words. Capturing deep moments and making them into art is really cool. One thing that I do is to have people notice that people that are struggling that way people don’t think America is full of dreams. 

Things that I would prefer to capture or design are to do graphic design. For the photography side I would love to be a photographer that shoots for magazines,clothing brands and big companies.   For my photos and how its different from others would be I find new ways the take the picture I see in my head and play around with it. Another way my work is different is that people take the same angle on everything but for me I go outside the box and take many different angles. 

My goals for me as a future artist is to continue to find different angles and to continue to be myself through my photos. Also I want to travel and capture the world as it is and bring awareness to the struggle around the world.      

Digital Media Arts

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